Más de 150 personas trabajan en el montaje de la 36ª edición del Palma International Boat Show
10 abril 2019 | Por Redacción | Categoria: Náutica, Otros DeportesEl salón náutico se celebrará del 27 de abril al 1 de mayo
Miércoles 10 de abril de 2019, Palma.– Más de 150 personas trabajan desde el lunes en el montaje de la 36ª edición del Palma International Boat Show, que se celebrará del 27 de abril al 1 de mayo en el Moll Vell de Palma.
En el montaje, que arrancó el pasado lunes a falta de 20 dÃas para el inicio del evento, participan operarios, técnicos de instalación eléctrica, montadores, decoradores, carpinteros, buzos, fontaneros, seguridad y transportistas, entre muchos otros profesionales de diferentes ámbitos que trabajan sin descanso para tener a punto la compleja infraestructura en la que se reunirán las principales empresas del sector náutico para presentar al público sus novedades.
En cuanto a la instalación de la pasarela flotante, que tendrá una longitud de 72 metros y una anchura de 5 metros y que unirá el Espigón de Consigna con el Muelle de la Industria Pesquera en un recorrido circular, empezará a montarse el próximo jueves 18 de abril.
Además, en motivo de la celebración del Palma International Boat Show, cabe destacar que a partir del martes 16 de abril a las 15.00 horas se cerrará el vial del Contramoll Mollet hasta el dÃa 3 de mayo a las 18.00 horas. La infraestructura del recinto quedará totalmente desmontada el miércoles 8 de mayo.
Over 150 people are involved in setting the stage for the 36th Palma International Boat Show
- The Boat Show will take place from the 27th of April to the 1st of May
Wednesday 10th of April 2019, Palma.–Â Over 150 people began work on setting up the 36th edition of the Palma International Boat Show on Monday. The show will take place from the 27th of April to the 1st of May at Palma’s Moll Vell.
This nautical trade show, organised by the Balearic Institute for Business Innovation (IDI), has become one of the industry’s leading fairs on an international level.
Set-up work began on Monday and the people involved include workmen, electricians, assemblers, decorators, carpenters, divers, plumbers, security and transport staff, amongst many others from all different professional fields. They are working around the clock to make sure the complex infrastructure in which the sector’s leading companies will come together to present their products and services to the general public is ready.
As for the floating gangway which will measure 72 metres long and 5 metres wide, and which will link Consigna Jetty with Industria Pesquera dock allowing visitors to follow a circular route around the fair, installation work will begin on Thursday the 18th of April.
It is also worth pointing out that, due to the Palma International Boat Show, Contramoll Mollet road will be closed from Tuesday the 16th of April at 3pm till the 3rd of May at 6pm. The fair’s infrastructure will be completely dismantled by Wednesday the 8th of May.
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